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17 Apr 2016

Learning Defensive Driving Techniques To Become Mandatory

It will soon become mandatory for persons applying for a driver’s licence to learn defensive driving techniques. Director of the Road Safety Unit in the Ministry of Transport, Kenute Hare, says it is one of the main prerequisites under the new Road Traffic Act now before parliament for approval. Hare says awareness and the practice… [Read More]

10 Apr 2016

Racing With An Angel On His Shoulder

As he comes out of retirement today and returns to the go-kart track, an emotional Mike Simmons will do so alone. In his association with the sport for more than two decades he has always been accompanied to the races by his spouse, Daisy Reynolds. But when he dusts off his driver?s suit and grabs… [Read More]

03 Apr 2016

Porsche Comes To Jamaica In May

ATL Automotive will begin delivering the Porsche brand of cars to Jamaica by May and in another few weeks will create two state-of-the-art sales and service facilities on Oxford Road in Kingston and Bogue in Montego Bay, St James, to house the cars, the dealer said. The dealership comes out of an exclusive partnership with… [Read More]

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