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13 Feb 2016

22-Y-O Makes Battery-Operated Vehicles From Scrap

Where others see trash, Davina Robinson sees toy cars with engines controlled by remote.The 22 year-old makes the vehicles from what would generally be considered garbage. Using plastic from two-litre soda bottles and CD casing, old bicycle tubing, metal from sardine tins, cereal and ice-cream box packaging, pen springs, mesh from an earphone speaker, parts… [Read More]

13 Feb 2016

Road Traffic Act Covers Cell Phones To Wheelies

The Senate debated the new Road Traffic Act, which will have far-reaching impact on the legal framework within which motorists operate on Jamaica’s road network. Ahead of the new legislation being signed into law, Automotives reminds the motoring public of some of the proposed regulations and penalties. They are wide-ranging, covering cell phone use to… [Read More]

11 Feb 2016

More about Car Group 20 PSI

20 PSI is all about showcasing model cars from jamaica to the world From a little b12 to a bmw x6 so were not partial 20 PSI is a group movement because people oversees love to see unity and groups so 20psi is a car group also and we also help out owners to get… [Read More]

05 Feb 2016

“Bad GAS” saga in Jamaica

“Bad Gas, Bad fuel, Fool-fool gas, Contaminated gas” Many motorists have been affected by this “bad gas” saga which can be dated back to October 2015 and have worsen by December 2015. The “bad gas” saga to this day February 2016 is still affecting motorists across Jamaica. The energy minister of Jamaica Mr Paulwell and… [Read More]

04 Feb 2016

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